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34th Street is one of the city’s cleanest districts, thanks to 34SP’s Sanitation Department. Working two shifts on weekdays and one on weekends, our team constantly clears the busy neighborhood of trash, removes handbills and graffiti from poles, walls, windows, and newsboxes, and keeps all street signs clean. We also power-wash our own pink granite corners and paint mailboxes, fire hydrants, and traffic control boxes. The team also keeps 34SP’s street furniture in good repair, and promptly reports to the appropriate city agency any physical dangers or quality-of-life nuisances.
34th Street Partnership’s in-house security team consists of 44 dedicated members who patrol the District 16 hours every day of the year. At a central monitoring station, our operator is in direct communication with NYPD dispatchers from the Midtown South Precinct, ready to alert them to any disturbance in the District. We also assist the NYPD by identifying illegal activities, preventing felonies, making arrests, removing illegal street vendors, and eliminating quality-of-life offenses. As a result of the combined efforts of 34SP and NYPD, 34th Street has been a low-crime area for nearly two decades.
It’s no secret that 34th Street is a great place to do business. One of the reasons is the built-in clientele. The district is, quite simply, constantly teeming with workers, sight-seers, and shoppers. For statistics on subway riders, pedestrian counts, retail sales and office worker population, contact 34SP’s Dan Pisark at 917-438-5126 or email him at
Our August 2021 and June 2022 pedestrian counts illustrate how many people walk through the 34th Street district on a daily basis.
Urban Umbrella is the designer, patent holder, and fabricator of the only premium sidewalk bridge on the market approved by the New York Department of Buildings and rated for 300psf. Revolutionary and elegantly designed, Urban Umbrella was engineered to protect sidewalks from falling construction debris. The first new design on the market in 50+ years, Urban Umbrella has undergone the most rigorous testing standards and brings the most innovative practices to the industry.
Email Urban Umbrella for more information, or call them.
In 2008, 34SP formed a Sidewalk Committee to take on the responsibility of seeing that the neighborhoods sidewalks are in good repair and free of damage that may be unsightly or cause injury. This project, which depends on the cooperation of building owners and managers, has been highly successful.
Contact us about our sidewalk repair program.
The success of 34th Street Partnership’s exciting amenities and programs is linked to our ability to partner with leading brands and corporations. We are ready to work with your company to bring your offering to our patrons.
Hanging attractive advertising banners from the 34th Street District’s lightpoles is a surefire way to guarantee that hundreds of thousands of eyes will see your brand each day. Intersection, the outdoor advertising company, has exclusive rights to hang banners from district lightpoles, and also operates five bus shelter-sized advertising panels at Herald and Greeley Squares.
For information on utilizing these outstanding advertising platforms, contact Intersection.